Unpacking Socialism’s Impact on Individuality

Mariana Eiane MD
3 min readApr 25, 2024


Alright, folks, let’s brew up some real talk with our morning cuppa! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the Nordic narrative of socialism. But hold onto your coffee mugs, because we’re not just skimming the surface here – we’re plunging into the deep end of identity politics. Picture this: you’re sipping your java, contemplating life, and suddenly, wham! You’re in the land of the fjords, where socialism isn’t just a political ideology – it’s a way of life.

While humility is indeed a virtue to be admired, what we’re about to uncover transcends mere modesty; it’s about the erosion of identity in the face of collective conformity.

Enter «Janteloven,» a concept deeply embedded in Norwegian culture, extolling the virtues of modesty and discouraging any hint of individual exceptionalism. Sounds noble, doesn’t it? But scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll find a stifling atmosphere where deviation from the norm is met with raised eyebrows and disapproving glances. Under the guise of humility, many find themselves grappling with a profound sense of identity crisis, unable to assert their uniqueness in a sea of uniformity.

But let’s not stop there – let’s journey across the globe to nations that champion individualism, like the United States. Here, diversity is celebrated, and the pursuit of personal ambition is not just encouraged but revered. It’s a stark contrast to the suffocating conformity of socialist societies like Norway, where the collective reigns supreme.

And then there’s the infamous «identity cruise» phenomenon in Nordic socialist circles – a paradoxical quest for self-discovery that often ends in disillusionment as individuals find themselves adrift in a sea of sameness. Oh, the irony!

But perhaps we can find solace in the words of philosophers like Ayn Rand, who famously championed the cause of individualism. As she once said, «The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.» Indeed, it’s a rallying cry for those seeking to reclaim their autonomy in the face of societal pressures.

Yet, even our healthcare choices are not immune to the tentacles of socialism. The lack of free choice in healthcare further compounds our existential crisis, leaving us feeling like mere pawns in a bureaucratic chess game.

Though initiatives like *jentaloven* and *dugnad* may appear as effective tools in mobilizing otherwise apathetic masses, they come at the cost of stifling individualism. While they undoubtedly inspire collective action, they inadvertently suppress the unique voice and agency of individuals within society. In essence, they mold individuals into conforming parts of a larger machine, diluting the richness of personal expression and diversity of thought. As we champion community engagement, let us not forget to nurture the spirit of individualism, for it is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and progress in our society.

For many, (well,like me) the collective sameness propagated by initiatives like *jentaloven* and *dugnad* in Norway can inadvertently foster feelings of isolation rather than connection. This sense of being left out stems from the pressure to conform to societal norms, leaving many feeling like they must suppress their unique identities to fit in. True connection arises when we embrace and celebrate our differences. It’s time we shift the narrative from collective sameness to inclusive unity, where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.

Raise your mugs to a day of individuality! And if you happen to spill your coffee, well, consider it a bold fashion statement. After all, embracing our uniqueness is the real spill-proof strategy!



Mariana Eiane MD
Mariana Eiane MD

Written by Mariana Eiane MD

Mariana Tokvi Eiane is a doctor who researches the cultural and socio-economic differences affecting decision-making in global healthcare and beyond.

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